Why you need to start using olive oil for your skin right now!

This year was all about multi-step skincare routines and grabbing onto those good-old home remedies such as eggs, curd, gram flour, and so on!

So, when a friend told me she uses olive oil as a moisturiser, I was surprised and ecstatic! And rightly so. For the benefits of olive oil are countless and you will love the way your skin feels after applying it.

Woman applying olive oil on her skin!

I’m constantly amazed by the wonders of natural skincare products, so I thought of sharing the 4 incredible benefits of olive oil with you guys!

  • Olive oil has miraculous anti-ageing properties – and can also help ward off cancer cells. It is also rich in antioxidants, which means it destroys the chemicals that can potentially damage skin cells! A study that I was going through the other day vouched for the extraordinary qualities of olive oil, even stating that if you apply olive oil right after being exposed to the sun, it will significantly impair cancer-causing cells.
  • Olive oil is loaded with Vitamins A, D, E, and K – that are amazing for your skin! People in the past have used Vitamin E infused oil to cure a horde of skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis!
  • Just when you thought olive oil couldn’t get any more beneficial – it surprises you with its antibacterial properties! It is extremely helpful if you have a skin infection or a foot ulcer or a healing wound!
  • Finally, olive oil has super moisturising powers. You remember those winter mornings, one where your skin feels like a dried-out parchment paper and no matter what you do the dryness just won’t go away? I massaged my skin with olive oil every day for an entire week, and the results were astonishing! My skin hasn’t felt this healthy and hydrated in a long long time!
Woman holding a glass jar filled with olive oil!

Fun anecdote – I found olive oil to be a suitable skincare option for the winter only! Since I have oily skin, my pores get clogged way too easily during the sultry summer, causing acne breakouts. Olive oil during the winter balances the nutrients in my skin, keeping it hydrated and glowing. However, you can always try to use olive oil during the summer to see if it suits your skin.

Do let me know if olive oil has been a life-changing product for you as well in the comments below!


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