Cute baby images that will tug your heartstrings

When a friend of mine went through fertility treatment, the doctor suggested that she look at cute baby images and try to keep a positive mindset throughout. She called me a few days later, thrilled, to tell me that after many months of trying, she is finally pregnant!

Whether looking at pictures of sweet babies really helps conceive is a different discussion altogether but sometimes all I want to do is look at the endless photos and videos of adorable babies on the internet! So here are some images for moms or moms-to-be out there who want to adore these adorable little creatures!

Don’t worry, buddy, you’re not going to melt like the snow man outside.
Uhhh did someone say cake!
Just when I was enjoying some family time, dad whips out the camera!

Babies are naturally friendly, don’t you think? They could smile once and befriend a stranger, a teddy or a pup!

Mommy says I’m cuter than you! Don’t worry, I still love you!
Hey Bruno, do you think I can reach the cookie jar if I climb on your back?
Mommy says I’m blowing raspberries! What does that even mean!

While we’re on the subject of blowing raspberries, if you had a baby recently, you should consider checking out this very informative blog: Is your baby blowing raspberries? If yes, your baby just hit a milestone!

Good morning, Mumma!
I’m a sneak little bunny, aren’t I?
I’ll be ready for some food right after this nap!
Just a little while longer, Ma!

Aren’t these babies the cutest? Can you think of a funny or sweet caption for any of these cute baby images? Do let us know in the comments below.


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